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The head of the Republican Hospital Authority in Hajjah inspects the medical camp in the Jarrahi District in Hodeidah ...

Media Center of the Authority ...
Monday, January 11, 2021

The head of the Republic Hospital Authority in Hajjah Governorate, Dr. Ibrahim Al-Ashwal, visited today the medical surgical camp in the Al-Jarahi district in Al-Hudaydah governorate, which is implemented by a medical team from the Republican Hospital Authority over a period of 8 days.

The head of the commission, Dr. Ibrahim Al-Ashwal, confirmed that the establishment of this medical camp comes within the framework of the directives of His Excellency the Minister of Public Health and Population to alleviate the suffering of our brothers from the Al-Jarrahi Directorate, calling on the medical team to make more efforts in the success of the medical surgical camp and to provide medical services to the sons of the surgeon ... .

During the visit, the head of the authority, Dr. Ibrahim Al-Ashwal, heard from the head of the co-medical team, Dr. Khaled Al-Moayad, to an explanation about the level of treatment services and examination cases in various specialties provided by the medical team to the sons of the Surgical Directorate who frequent the rural hospital. Dr. Khaled Al-Moayad confirmed that the medical team started today in Perform some surgeries for patients.

According to the statistics of the second day of the camp, the number of examination cases in the internal medicine clinic reached 46 cases, the general surgery clinic 15 cases, and the pediatric clinic 43 cases, and the number of emergency attendants reached 41 cases, while the number of laboratory tests reached 85 examinations and the pharmacy prescriptions reached 110 cases, and the team also conducted Al-Tibi has five surgeries for some patients ...

Media Center of the Authority ....

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almarkaz al'iielamiu lilhayyat. al'ahad 10-1-2021m dashanat hayyat almustashfaa aljumhurii bimuhafazat hujat alyawm mkhymaan tbyaan mjanyaan bimadiriat aljarahii muhafazat alhadidat. wa'awdah rayiys hayyat almustashfaa aljumhurii alduktur 'iibrahim al'ashul 'ana almukhayam sayuqadim ealaa madaa 8 'ayaamin, khadamat tibiyat waealajiat majaniat lilhalat almardiat fi tukhasusat albatiniat wal'atfal waleuyun waljarahat aleamat. wa'ashar 'iilaa 'ana alfariq altibiya sayaqum bi'iijra' almueayinat walfuhusat altibiyat wasarf al'adwiat mjanaan bial'iidafat 'iilaa 'iijra' eamaliat bimustashfaa aljarahii alriyfi. wabayn alduktur al'ashul 'ana almukhayam yati fi 'iitar tawjihat wazir alsihat litakhfif mueanat almuatinin bimudiriat aljarahi .. lafta 'iilaa 'ana almukhayam altibiya yadumu fariq tibiyin mukawan min 'akhsayiyiyn wa'atba' eumum wasiadilat wamukhtabriiyn. bidawrih thaman mudir maktab alsihat bialmuhafazat alduktur khalid almadaani aihtimam qiadat wizarat alsihat wahirsiha ealaa rafe mueanat almardaa bialmanatiq albaeidat ean markaz almuhafazat walati tuftaqir lileadid min alkhadamat alsihiyat fi zili taseid aleudwan walhasar. wa'ashad bitaeawun qiadat alqitae alsihiyi fi almuhafazat al'ukhraa aldhyn sahamuu fi tajhiz almustashfaa alriyfii bimudiriat aljarahi litakhfif mueanat almardaa watanfidh mukhayamat tibiyat majaniat. wa'awdah rayiys alfariq altibiyi alduktur khalid almuayid 'akhisayiyin batiniat 'ana alfariq altibiya lihayyat almustashfaa aljumhurii aistaqbal alyawm eadad 23 halat mueayinat 'atfal waeadad 31 batiniat w 37 jirahatan eamatan wa32 halat mueayinat eiun, baynama aistaqbalat altawari aleamat eadad 23 halat tariat., wa'afad almuiyid 'ana eadad alfuhusat almukhbiriat balagh 30 fahs waeadad 42 sarf 'adwiatan min alsiydliat altibiyat alttabieat lilfariq altabi... wa'akad almuiyid 'ana alfariq altibiyu sayabda ghadaan bi'iijra' eadad min aleamaliat aljarahiat... almarkaz al'iielamiu lilhayya

Today, the Republican Hospital Authority in Hajjah Governorate launched a free medical camp in Al Jarahi District, Al Hudaydah Governorate.

The head of the Republican Hospital Authority, Dr. Ibrahim Al-Ashwal, stated that the camp will provide free medical and treatment services for patients in the specialties of internal medicine, children, ophthalmology, and general surgery, for 8 days.

He pointed out that the medical team will conduct medical examination and examination, dispense medicines free of charge, in addition to conducting operations at the rural surgical hospital.

Dr. Al-Ashwal stated that the camp comes within the framework of the Minister of Health's directives to alleviate the suffering of citizens in the Al-Jarahi District, pointing out that the medical camp includes a medical team made up of specialists, general doctors, pharmacists, and laboratories.

In turn, the director of the governorate health office, Dr. Khaled Al-Madani, appreciated the interest of the Ministry of Health leadership and its keenness to alleviate the suffering of patients in areas far from the governorate center that lack many health services in light of the escalation of aggression and siege.

He praised the cooperation of health sector leaders in other governorates, who contributed to equipping the rural hospital in Al-Jarrahi District to alleviate the suffering of patients and implement free medical camps.

The head of the medical team, Dr. Khaled Al-Moayad, a specialist in internal medicine, explained that the medical team of the Republic Hospital Authority received today 23 cases of examination of children and the number of 31 internal medicine and 37 general surgery and 32 cases of eye examination, while the general emergency received a number of 23 emergency cases, and Al-Moayad stated that the number of laboratory tests There were 30 examinations and 42 dispensing medicines from the medical pharmacy of the medical team ...
Al-Moayad confirmed that the medical team will start performing a number of surgeries tomorrow.






About Us

The Republic Hospital Authority in Hajjah Governorate was built in the year 1950 AD and began work within its structure (as a general hospital in the governorate). A Republican decision was issued on 8-29-2010 to upgrade it from a general hospital to a body and became the “Republic Hospital Authority in Hajjah” More

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