An engineering team of the Ministry of Health is briefed on the level of completion of the September 21 Hospital project of the Republican Authority, Hajjah.

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Media Center of the Authority.
The head of the Republic Hospital Authority in the governorate, Dr. Ibrahim Al-Ashwal, today, along with the Director General of Engineering Affairs at the Ministry of Health, Eng. Abdel Wahab Taher, the Deputy Director of Financial Affairs at the Ministry, Muhammad Al-Kabsi, and the Director General of Financial Affairs at the Authority, Yasser Al-Jabri, were informed of the level of completion of the second phase of the September 21 Emergency and Accidents Project of the Authority Republic Hospital. During the review, the head of the authority, Dr. Ibrahim Al-Ashwal, heard from the engineers of the project and the executing agency about the completion rate, as well as the modifications that were made in the building in line with the specifications and engineering plans prepared by the ministry. It is the first of its kind at the level of the Republic, and it will provide services to the people of Hajjah Governorate and the neighboring governorates. In addition, the head of the authority, Dr. Ibrahim Al-Ashwal, and the ministry’s engineering team were briefed on the building of the burns center, which will be rehabilitated and furnished as a burn center in Al-Rahdi area. Where the engineering team took the measurements for the rooms, halls and building areas in order to be able to prepare studies and modifications in the building to equip it as a burn center .... Media Center of the Authority ....





About Us

The Republic Hospital Authority in Hajjah Governorate was built in the year 1950 AD and began work within its structure (as a general hospital in the governorate). A Republican decision was issued on 8-29-2010 to upgrade it from a general hospital to a body and became the “Republic Hospital Authority in Hajjah” More

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